What the hell is Substack all about and what makes these “Stories Not Fit For The Stage”?

One reviewer likes my style because it contains "No Extra Big Words"!

I’d like to send $5.00 a month to all of my favourite Substack authors but I’m an old man on a fixed income and blah blah blah. (I hate playing the age card.)

This is my site and it is free. I’ll revisit that decision if it gets popular enough to justify asking for a monthly donation. It ain’t there yet.

I’m told in public and in private that the topics I write about are engaging and the writing is “tightly written, no extra big words...all very relatable”.

Yup. That’s me. No Extra Big Words. I should have called this site “No Extra Big Words”.

Please subscribe and comment.

Btw, for what it’s worth, my favourite substack authors are Ron Hume, Richard Flohil, Gare Joyce and Leah McLaren.